Imagine waking up ready to work and making large cash. Calling your coworker on your iPhone fails. Worried about your phone, you panic.
Verify Network Coverage Before you go Sherlock Holmes on your iPhone and start messing with the settings, make sure you have network coverage.
Reboot iPhone Before we go into serious debugging, try restarting your iPhone to fix SOS only.
iPhone Data Roaming: Before traveling with your iPhone to another state or nation, you must do one thing.
Auto-Network Selection Network settings might be difficult and need a modest shove to operate properly. Automatic Network Selection fixes SOS only on iPhone, according to internet claims.
Re-sim iPhone. Your sim card might create network troubles occasionally. In such cases, your sim card should rest.
Software Updates Software updates sometimes work. iOS software updates can fix iPhone SOS-only issues caused by bugs or small flaws.
iPhone Network Reset Many forum discussions and guidelines suggest resetting your network settings if your iPhone only displays SOS.
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