Minecraft The Vote Update: All about April Fool's Day summary

Minecraft's April Fools' Day update, "23w13a_or_b," is funny. On April Fool's Day, Mojang creates fun Minecraft variants.

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These usually have oddball adds but no major new features. These April Fool's Day patches don't alter gameplay, but they're fun and lighthearted.

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Players can do a lot of different things with this one, like turn their friends into rabbits or make cats that are as strong as iron golems.

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On April Fool's Day, Minecraft gets a funny update every year. Mojang has made many "joke updates" over the years, such as the DOS texture update

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The 3D update, the popular update, the one block at a time update, and many more. The 2023 Easter Egg has random parts that depend on what the player does.

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Mojang chose to actually set fire to the launcher and make a snapshot called 23w13a_or_b. This gives players the chance to change the game in any way they want by voting on the different prompts. 

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They can start this by opening the app and looking for the "Latest Snapshot" version in the list.

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