What does Dotted Circle on Instagram mean? and How To use it!

Have you ever noticed a dotted circle symbol next to your Instagram Direct Messages (DMs) and wondered what does Dotted circle on Instagram means? Instagram, a popular social media platform, has several visual indicators to help users understand the status of their messages. The dotted circle is one such symbol that holds significance within the realm of Instagram DMs. In this article, we will explore How To Enable Dotted circle Vanish Mode On Instagram DM.


Understanding Instagram Direct Message (DM)


Before we delve into the specifics of the dotted circle, let’s first understand what Instagram Direct Message is. Instagram DM is a feature that enables users to have private conversations with one another. It allows you to send text, photos, videos, and other media content directly to another Instagram user or a group of users.

What does dotted circle mean on instagram and how to use it

The Dotted Circle Symbol in Instagram DMs

When you open your Instagram DMs, you might come across a small dotted circle symbol next to some of your messages. This symbol looks like a gray circle with a series of dots inside it. It may appear next to both sent and received messages.


Meaning of the Dotted Circle

The dotted circle in Instagram DMs represents the “pending” status of a message. It indicates that the message has been sent but hasn’t been delivered to the recipient yet. Essentially, the dotted circle signifies that the message is in transit and has not reached its intended recipient.

what is the dotted circle on instagram, Dotted Circle on Instagram, Instagram Dotted Circle,
Image Source: TechBuzzes

Dotted Circle and Message Status

It’s important to note that the dotted circle is different from other message statuses in Instagram DMs. For instance, a solid blue circle with a white checkmark indicates that the message has been successfully delivered to the recipient’s device. On the other hand, a filled-in blue circle with a white checkmark means that the recipient has seen or read the message.

The presence of the dotted circle on instagram DM implies that the message is still on its way and has not been received by the recipient. It’s crucial to understand this status to avoid misinterpretations or unnecessary concerns about message delivery.

Dotted Circle in Group Chats

The dotted circle on instagram also appears in group chats. In this context, the meaning remains the same: the message is pending and hasn’t been delivered to all the participants. Once the message reaches every member of the group, the dotted circle will disappear, indicating successful delivery.

Implications of the Dotted Circle

The dotted circle symbol in Instagram DMs has a few implications. Firstly, it indicates that the message is still en route to the recipient and hasn’t been delivered yet. Therefore, the recipient may not be aware of its existence until it reaches their device. Secondly, the presence of the dotted circle suggests that you may need to exercise patience if you’re awaiting a response. It’s essential to give the recipient ample time to read and respond to the message.

Common Questions about the Dotted Circle

Here are some common questions related to the dotted circle in Instagram DMs:

Q: Why is there a dotted circle in my Instagram DMs? The dotted circle indicates that the message is pending and hasn’t been delivered to the recipient yet.

Q: Does the dotted circle mean the message has been read? No, the dotted circle only signifies that the message is in transit and hasn’t been delivered. It does not indicate whether the message has been read or not.

Q: Can I disable the dotted circle in Instagram DMs? No, the dotted circle is a default feature in Instagram DMs and cannot be disabled.

Q: Is the dotted circle the same as the “seen” feature in Facebook Messenger? No, the dotted circle in Instagram DMs represents a pending status, while the “seen” feature in Facebook Messenger indicates that the recipient has viewed the message.

Q: Does the dotted circle affect the delivery of messages? The dotted circle does not affect message delivery. It’s simply a visual indicator that shows the pending status of a message.

How To Enable Vanish Mode On Instagram DM

Instagram’s Vanish Mode, represented by the dotted circle symbol, allows you to have disappearing conversations within the Direct Messages (DMs) feature. Enabling Vanish Mode can add an extra layer of privacy and excitement to your conversations. If you’re interested in trying out this feature, follow the steps below to enable Vanish Mode on Instagram.

  1. Launch the Instagram App: Locate the Instagram app on your device’s home screen and tap on it to launch the app. Enter your login credentials (username and password) if prompted.
  2. Access the Direct Messages (DMs) Section: Once you’re on the Instagram home screen, tap on the paper airplane icon located at the top right corner of the screen. This will take you to the Direct Messages section, where you can view your conversations.
  3. Choose a Conversation: From the list of conversations in your Direct Messages, select the person or group you want to engage in Vanish Mode with. Tap on their name or profile picture to open the conversation.
  4. Swipe Up in the Chat Window: Within the conversation, swipe up from the bottom of the chat window. This action will trigger the Vanish Mode feature and activate the dotted circle symbol. Once Vanish Mode is enabled, any messages sent or received will disappear once they are viewed by the recipient.
Enable vanish mode in Instagram DM
  1. Send Vanishing Messages: In Vanish Mode, you can now send messages that will disappear automatically. Type your message in the text input box at the bottom of the chat window and tap the send button (usually a paper airplane icon) to send the message. The recipient will be able to view the message, and it will vanish once they have seen it.
Enable Dotted circle, Dotted Circle on Instagram, Turned on Vanish Mode on Instagram
  1. End Vanish Mode: To exit Vanish Mode, swipe up again from the bottom of the chat window. This will disable Vanish Mode, and messages will no longer disappear automatically. You can continue your conversation as usual.
How to turn off vanish mode in Instagram DM

It’s important to note that Vanish Mode is a temporary feature within the chat window. Once you leave the conversation or close the app, the messages sent or received during Vanish Mode will no longer disappear. Additionally, both you and the recipient must have the latest version of the Instagram app to use Vanish Mode successfully.

FAQs on How To Enable Dotted circle On Instagram DM (Vanish Mode):

Q1: How long does the dotted circle stay in Instagram DMs?

The duration of the dotted circle’s presence varies depending on various factors such as network connectivity and recipient activity. It typically disappears once the message has been successfully delivered.

Q2: Can I cancel or delete a message with a dotted circle?

No, once a message has been sent and is represented by a dotted circle, it cannot be canceled or deleted from the sender’s end. However, you can delete the message from your chat history once it has been delivered.

Q3: Does the dotted circle appear when I send a message to someone who has blocked me?

If you send a message to someone who has blocked you on Instagram, the message will not be delivered, and the dotted circle will not appear.

Q4: Will Instagram notify me when the dotted circle turns into a delivered status?

Instagram does not send explicit notifications when a message with a dotted circle transitions into a delivered status. You can periodically check the conversation to see if the message status has changed.

Q5: Can I turn off read receipts in Instagram DMs?

Instagram does not provide an option to turn off read receipts. When a message is seen by the recipient, the filled-in blue circle with a white checkmark indicates that the message has been read.

Q1: Can I enable Vanish Mode in all my Instagram conversations?

Yes, you can enable Vanish Mode in any conversation within Instagram’s Direct Messages. However, both you and the recipient must have the latest version of the Instagram app installed.

Q2: Will the recipient be notified when I enable Vanish Mode?

No, there are no specific notifications sent to the recipient when Vanish Mode is enabled. However, they will see the dotted circle symbol indicating that the conversation is in Vanish Mode.

Q3: Can I see Vanish Mode messages after they disappear?

Once a message sent or received in Vanish Mode is viewed, it will disappear and cannot be retrieved. It’s important to keep this in mind before sending any sensitive information or content.

Q4: Can I take screenshots of Vanish Mode messages?

Yes, it is possible to take screenshots of Vanish Mode messages. However, be cautious as the other person will be notified if you take a screenshot of their disappearing message.

Q5: Can I report abusive content sent in Vanish Mode?

Yes, you can report abusive or inappropriate content sent in Vanish Mode just like any other message on Instagram. Simply tap on the message, select the report option, and follow the necessary steps.


The dotted circle in Instagram Direct Messages is a symbol that denotes the pending status of a message. Enabling Vanish Mode (represented by the dotted circle symbol) on Instagram can add an element of excitement and privacy to your conversations. By following the simple steps outlined above, you can activate Vanish Mode and start sending disappearing messages within Instagram’s Direct Messages feature. Remember to use this feature responsibly and respect the privacy of others. Enjoy the ephemeral nature of Vanish Mode as you engage in temporary conversations on Instagram!


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